Lakpa’s full circle story of hope and determination

Born in the remote district of Nuwakot, Nepal, Lakpa always dreamed big despite limited opportunities.

“In Negi, where I was born, my village had school up to class three only,” Lakpa recalls. “We had to leave our village for further studies.”

This meant that getting to school involved a grueling walk – a journey Lakpa could only begin after finishing chores at home. And when Lakpa did arrive – often after 11AM – it lacked supplies, infrastructure and teachers.

This area was once known as the epicentre of girl trafficking in the country. We began working in Nuwakot after the devastating 2015 earthquake that rocked Nepal. With the help of our supporters, we rebuilt an earthquake-resistant school for the community – called Shree Ghyangfedi School – which opened in June 2017. Later, we partnered with seven surrounding schools so that students could attend school closer to home.


Lakpa was thrilled to complete Grade 10 with a full scholarship from Ghyangfedi School. But the learning environment here was a stark contrast to her prior experiences.

“When I first came to Ghyangfedi School I was amazed at how different everything was there compared to my previous schools,” Lakpa says. “I felt supported and prepared in my studies.”

After graduating from Ghyangfedi School, she pursued a nursing degree with the support of Adara. After completing her studies, Lakpa returned to Ghyangfedi as the school nurse. Appointed by the Ministry of Health and Population, she was thrilled to return to the place that was instrumental in her education journey.

“I will be soon stationed in Ghyangfedi School where I will be responsible for looking after the health and hygiene of students,” Lakpa says. “I studied hard and showed courage to study despite all of the difficulties.”

Lakpa now aspires to give back to the school that helped her so much.

Lakpa studying

“I hope that my story will inspire young girls to study and keep chasing their dreams. I want to convey a message that perseverance makes everything possible, and we shouldn’t stop dreaming.”

Just nine years ago, there would have been very few girls Lakpa’s age receiving an education in Ghyangfedi. Many would have been trafficked out of the region.

But now that there are excellent schools in the region, more girls are attending and parents are seeing the enormous value of education.

Today Ghyangfedi School has 342 students enrolled and 54% are girls. The school is equipped with computer and science labs. In 2022, it also began offering ‘Plus Two’ education. Plus Two is the name for the optional last two years of secondary schooling in Nepal, which can further qualify a student to apply for a university degree. The programme is an opportunity for students to pursue higher education and offers them a pathway to university, careers and promising futures.

Lakpa in her nursing uniform

And a promising future is exactly what Ghyangfedi School provided for Lakpa. Her journey showcases what’s possible with perseverance, ambition and access to a quality education.

To everyone who has stood with us on this journey, all we can say is thank you.

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Child in Nepal