Meet Sarah: support to lead a happy, healthy life | Adara Group

Meet Sarah: support to lead a happy, healthy life

When Sarah was 17 years old, life as she knew it came to a halt. COVID-19 entered the world, plunging communities into lockdowns and closing schools’ doors.

The COVID-19 pandemic led to many challenges for young people and children. Since COVID-19 lockdowns and the subsequent closure of schools for nearly two years – the longest of any country in the world – there was a growing pattern of domestic violence targeting children at home. Several reports from the government showed an increase in child marriages, rape and teenage pregnancies.

This is why in July 2022, we were excited to launch Adara Youth Community Centre (AYCC) to support adolescents through sexual and reproductive health education and services including family planning, counselling, life skills training, and connection with health services.

Services are available to young people aged 10 to 24. It also provides community outreach, working closely with schools, parents and local leaders. This launch couldn’t have come at a more crucial time.

Like many other young people during the pandemic, Sarah fell pregnant. When her mother learnt she was pregnant, Sarah was forced to leave her home.

Fortunately, Sarah had her teacher Susan to turn to. Susan had recently attended a stakeholder meeting for the AYCC. These sessions were designed to get input from stakeholders – including teachers and local and religious leaders – into the programme.

When Susan learnt of Sarah’s situation, she encouraged her to attend the AYCC.

“I started attending antenatal care from AYCC. From there I was counselled, given the whole package of antenatal care – and I regained hope,” Sarah says. 

“I’m so grateful that I had a successful delivery from Kiwoko Hospital and my baby is very well”.

After giving birth and when schools reopened, Sarah returned to finish her education. She left her newborn with a babysitter and was able to return home during breaks to breastfeed.

“When my mother learnt that I went back to school, she became so furious because she wanted me to sit back home,” Sarah explains. “I engaged the AYCC social worker, who talked to her. And now my mother feels good about it.”

Sarah dreams of becoming a doctor. Though she often worries about juggling motherhood with her studies, she is grateful to everyone who has supported her on her journey.

“I am grateful to AYCC. I was worried about not reaching my dreams. I am thankful to the AYCC social worker and all the nurses and midwives for always being there in case of any help.”


Since launch to end of 2022, 672 youth accessed care at the AYCC, and 1,624 youth received in-school health education in its first six months.

Read more about the change you helped create in our 2022 Operations Report.

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